Achieve Holistic Health and Spiritual Fulfillment Without the Overwhelm of Health Misinformation

The Intrinsic Holistics coursework provides a life where holistic wellness practices will enhance your health and deepen your spiritual connection, without overwhelming your daily routine. With access to life coaching sessions, you will also be guided to steer clear of the conflicting healthcare solutions that are available.


Achieve holistic health for just $44! (Usually $88). This includes a FREE, one on one life-coaching session with a professional! New modules will be added periodically, and your all-inclusive, life-time access begins now, without paying another dollar.

Real Transformations: What Others Are Saying

What You'll Learn In This Course:

Detoxification and Activation of Third Eye

  • Our Third Eye is lying dormant within us. You will learn its importance, how to awaken it and be able to unlock its near super power capabilities.

  • Obtain true results through the education and use of unique supplements that do not contain toxins, unlike certain pharmaceuticals.

  • Through the activation of your Third Eye, you will achieve higher states of awareness, intuition, concentration, clarity of thought conceptualization, creativity... The list goes on and on.

The Only Meditation Practice You Need

  • Gain a full understanding of the benefits of meditation and how to incorporate it into your daily routine of a holistic existence.

  • The simple yet effective techniques learned will be felt mentally, physically, and emotionally. All within a matter of weeks, signifying the spiritual upgrade taking place on a subtle, energetic level.

  • The detrimental emotional mindsets of depression, brain fog, loss of concentration or motivation/drive will be greatly reduced, if not wholly alleviated in a matter of weeks by utilizing the techniques provided. 

Sound Therapy to Increase Awareness

  • Clear comprehension that everything in the known physical universe is sound and frequency will lay a foundation for the modules taught to fully adhere/resonate down to a molecular level.

  • Sound frequencies such as binaural tones or Tibetan singing bowls have the ability to cleanse your auric field, synchronize the 2 hemispheres of your brain, and recalibrate your inner compass

  • Clarity of thought, focused intention, heightened perception, and attunement to your higher self are just a few of the benefits achieved in a matter of weeks by listening to sound frequencies for 15-20min/day.

Crystal Utilization to Improve Bodily Functions

  • Gain an understanding of how crystals/stones truly affect us on a molecular level, doing away with the new-age myths that convolute the truth of their natural abilities.

  •  Learn utilization techniques that will cause your stones to imprint on your auric field and activate higher frequency communication and immersion.

  • Raise your vibration, align your chakras, and block/reverse the effects of EMF exposure which translates into higher awareness/perception, a healthy functioning body, and the potential activation of innate abilities that you’re not aware of laying dormant in your DNA right now!

Proper Use of Water

  • Yes, you've been using it wrong.

  • We’ve forgotten our sacred connection to water and it’s near-”magical” abilities, we’ll remind you why and show you why it’s so vital to our growth and sustainability of humankind

  • Cleanse, detoxify, and uplift your very soul with the rituals and techniques that can be performed by anyone possessing positive motive and intention.

  • Learn how to hydrate your body on a molecular level and not just flush your kidneys, bladder, etc.

Limited Time SALE

What you'll get:

  • Built-In Private Interactive Group:

    Interact with fellow truth & longevity seekers and get answers to questions without having prolonged waits for a reply.

  • Free life coaching session:

    Book your first one-on-one coaching session free of charge (value of $150) to personalize your experience

  • Customized Course: As the first wave of awakening individuals/early adopters, the inner workings of the course will be structured around you and will partially reflect the feedback provided. This is something that others will not get to be a part of in regards to the fully erected institution of ascension! 

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You will receive updates regarding the course as well as promotions.

What's Included In Intrinsic Holistics

Daily Practice Exercises
Easy simple easy to follow video tutorials

Meet Your Instructor

  My name is Stefan Comvalius and before I embarked on my journey of self-healing & self-realization; which I wanted to utilize to heal others, I was a lost soul. I was trapped in a never-ending cycle of depression and anxiety which manifested in poor eating habits, illicit drug use, becoming a slave to pharmaceuticals…all which led to me being a horrible human being to strangers and loved ones alike. I felt like crap and I looked like it too. On top of all that, I was also trapped in the mindless, soul-draining cycle of dating broken, deranged women, working jobs that I loathed, and trying to “keep up with the Joneses,” while at the same time hanging out with people just as lost as I was. I hated my life. To put it into modern layman's terms.

  But things changed in a profound way after my first spiritual awakening. It was a small one (compared to the others),  almost as if the Universe was giving me a peek at what was really going on around me.

  As rebellious and ungovernable as I am, by nature, I realized that I had to take a stand and educate myself enough to make an impact on the collective that I was soon destined to embrace. And I knew that in order for “them” to break our spirit in an attempt to control it, the assault would be on the temple that we call the mind, body, and soul. 


  Now that I am healthy in all of those aspects, now that I am educated on the methods/tools that the elite systematically suppress, and now that I am supernaturally coherent and perceptive as to what’s really going on, I have made a blood oath with my higher power to uplift and enlighten the collective until my very last breath…

And it starts with physical, mental, and emotional health…whole being, well being. 

  If you read all that, great, because Lord knows, the attention span of the modern human being is dwindling by the day. And it also means you know exactly what I’m saying.  But enough about me, the question is... CAN I TRULY HELP YOU TO ACHIEVE OPTIMAL HEALTH?   Before the creation of this course and before I became a life coach, I was a personal trainer, a CNA in a hospice, a drug counselor, a boxing coach with the Police Athletic League where I counseled and mentored troubled youth, and a public speaker at numerous universities and youth detention centers. My entire adult life has been in service to humankind. To make lives better, to save others from failing, to provide solace to those who were leaving this earth..ultimately to raise the vibration of anyone I encompassed. So, the answer is yes! BUT…the real question is, will you help yourself?

Who Is This Course For?

  • Anyone who suffers from nagging ailments that keep you in revolving door status with your medical provider 

  • If you value your health and are aware of the multi-pronged assault on the health and vitality of humankind.

  • People who are highly perceptive, spiritually coherent, and health-conscious.

What Categories Do We Focus On?

  • Individuals suffering from digestive issues that don’t seem to clear up even with pharmaceuticals

  • People suffering from adult acne and other nagging skin conditions even after drastic changes to diet

  • Awakening souls looking to accelerate the process while heightening perception & coherence

  • Anyone looking to kickstart/commence their awakening process

  • Individuals who are aware that we are being systematically and covertly poisoned and want to save themselves and loved ones

  • Anyone suffering from depression, anxiety, etc and are lacking motivation and are completely against the prescribing of antidepressants

  •  And so much more! 

Who Is This Course NOT For?

  • If you are someone who believes the media’s prefabricated narratives about U.S. healthcare

  • If you are content with your head buried in the sand or continuing to ride the perpetual hamster wheel

  • If you don’t care about your health, well-being, and the diminishing lifespan of humankind

  • If you don’t mind that your children’s vitality is strategically being impinged upon

Frequently Asked Questions

When will I actually start feeling/seeing results?

Everyone is different and on higher/lower levels of ascension but if followed strictly for 6 weeks, the results will be undeniable

Isn’t this just another “new age movement?”

Every day that passes is a step closer to a new age. The negative connotation attached to that phrase was strategically implanted into our psyche by our world leaders to dissuade us from venturing down that rabbit hole

Can't I learn all of this on Youtube?

You could, but it would take you years to create an effective regimen of your own, let alone the fact you’d have to weed through the crazies, the government moles, wanna-be spiritual gurus, and people who are crucially misled and have no idea they are doing more harm than good.

Do I already need to be on a path of awakening for this course to help me?

Absolutely not. Even if you don’t immediately attune to your soul or experience noticeable ascension symptoms, the physical, mental, and emotional elevations that you will undergo will keep you on track in seeking higher levels of existence.

Is there a guarantee?

Absolutely! Intrinsic Holistics has a 7-Day Satisfaction Guarantee. If you are not completely SATISFIED and ENLIGHTENED by the Intrinsic Holistics Program, then contact us within 7 Days for a full refund, no questions asked!

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You will receive updates regarding the course as well as promotions.

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DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated on this landing page and discussed in the  Intrinsic Holistics are our personal sales figures and in some cases the sales figures of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. We’re not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys “how to” information gets little to no results. We’re using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT PURCHASE The Intrinsic Holistics Program.